Varicose Veins

What are Varicose Veins ? Varicose veins are  large and tortous veins that usually occur in the legs. They are usually located on the inside of the calf or thigh and develop due to weakness of the vein wall and loss of valve function. Under the pressure of gravity, they con¬tinue to enlarge, an...

Chest Diseases

Does Chest Pain always mean that it is due to the Heart ? Absolutely not ! Heart is not the only resident of the chest. There are many more of them – the lungs, the food-pipe, the wind-pipe, the main blood vessels taking the pure blood from the heart and returning the impure blood to the […]...

Arterial Diseases

What is Peripheral Artery Disease? Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD) is also known as Peripheral Vascular Disease (PVD). It is usually caused by a process known as Athero¬sclerosis which results in thickening, hardening and narrowing  of the arteries – tubes which sly blood from the heart to th...

Hello !

I m delighted to have you here. I truly appreciate your desire to learn more about me, my team and my services – for the patients as well as the healthcare professionals and managers.   I believe in the “Keep it Safe and Simple -KISS Approach”. It’s a mission to ‘Simplify’ Life. Life is in […]...

Chest Disease and Trauma

All Chest Pain is not Angina (because of a blockage to the blood supply of the heart) and all Breathlessness is not Bronchial Asthma.” Chest Pain, Breathlessness, Chronic Cough, Chronic Expectoration, Coughing of Blood, Difficulty in Swallowing, Hoarseness of Voice, et cetera, are just symptoms...