Hello !
I am truly pleased to have you join me on this journey today, to make your health – and the health of everyone around us ; a Priority !
I truly believe that the practice of medicine – and healthcare too , can be more healthier, more compassionate and truly healing. After all, healthcare is a ” noble ministry of healing”.
It’s the small, safe and simple steps which are needed to make the “BIG” difference to your health. It’s the mantra of “Keep it Safe and Simple – KISS Approach”; which has been the backbone of my practice in my personal as my professional life. It’s a mission to ‘Simplify’ Life & Healthcare.
You are the centre of my practice – be it a patient in need of my professional skills, a young doctor seeking my mentorship or a healthcare manager needing some special guidance.
The world has changed 180° from the time I joined medical college 38 years ago – and healthcare has undergone massive changes too – mostly good, some bad and a few ugly. But healing needs the same care, concern and compassion – as of the day I joined medicalcollege , to make healthcare truly great again today.
Trust me that my experiences as a patient myself – with a 15 year old surgical scar on my neck, a patient attendant, and a healthcare professional ; has given me a truly 360° view and vision of healthcare practice.
I am truly grateful to all my patients, their families, my personal and professional associates for their honest feedbacks, which have been our guiding lights as well as quality check-points ; to serve you better. Always.
Thanks & God Bless.
Dr.Irineu A Pereira