Hospitals – big and small , find themselves caught in the cogmire of populism, consumerism and venture capitalism. It is in this triangular contest, that hospitals need to balance their revenues and expenditures. They need to manage both the numerator and the denominator, to ensure that all stakeholders take home happy experiences.
Healthcare Providers – Consultants, Medical Officers, Nursing and Paramedical Personnel as well as Housekeeping, Security and Cafetaria Staff too ; are a key to a Positive Patient Experience. They too would love to have a higher take home salary, get added incentives and have an enjoyable experience too.
And the ‘Paying Patients’ ! They would love to get more sophisticated procedures for less.
Is such a harmonious balance possible ? Yes, indeed. Our experienced healthcare, finance and management consultants ; guide you as a Consultant or the hospital as an institution ; to really get the true value of your time, effort and money.