We love to ‘Simplify’, Everything. We love ‘Keeping it Safe and Simple’ – be it in the Consulting Room, Operation Theatre, a Mentoring Call or a Lecture.
The KISS Approach, is a Dr.Irineu A.Pereira mantra.
Keeping everything ‘Short, Sweet and Simple’ is a hallmark .And you are most welcome to experience it yourself.
It’s no surprise therefore that all practices, procedures, and packages are designed and follow the ‘KISS Approach’. This has meant that his patients have spent less time, energy and money in having their treatments. And on the healthcare professionals side, his audience or mentees have got practical and pointed tips and tricks to ethically practice medicine.
25-odd years, and knowledge and experience, bestowed by a 1,00,000 – odd patients, Dr.Irineu and his team has been led us to use minimal pathological and radiological investigations, minimal medications , minimal hospitalization to ensure a really safe and speedy recovery of our patients. His Signum Vitalis team has optimal finance management and cost-leadership strategies in place, to ensure that the patients, the providers and promoters have all been delighted with their association.
The knowledge has also been very useful in understanding the needs, expectations and aspirations of healthcare professionals and allied staff ; and guiding them in achieving greater joys in their professional and personal lives.
Covid-19 has presently challenged everyone – patients, providers and promoters of hospitals ; and helping them all – save money and earn it, has been a greatly enjoyable challenge.
Creating and sustaining a harmonious relationship between the art, the science and the economics of medical practice, is Dr.Irineu’s singular passion. It’s here that his signature ‘The Art of Medicine Mentoring Program for Healthcare Professionals’, has ensured that the doctors, nurses and allied staff go on to become better versions of themselves- professionally and personally, and the hospitals have progressed ahead of the competition.
KISS Approach. It’s a version of the Great Indian Jugaad ! Welcome to the Journey.